When using MailMaven, please focus on the following:
In order of priority:If you are setting up an iCloud account in any email client besides Mail, you must create an App-Specific password through your Apple ID login at https://appleid.apple.com.
The video below outlines the process.
App-Specific Passwords for iCloud or other Apple email accounts are created from your Apple ID page at https://appleid.apple.com.
Sign in to the page using your Apple ID and password. Then select App-Specific Passwords. Click the button to generate the App-Specific Password. Enter the name of the app you want the password for; in this case, MailMaven.
You will be asked here to verify your identity using your Apple ID password. Enter your Apple ID and password, and then Apple displays your assigned App-Specific Password on the screen.
You will need to copy this password and save it somewhere safe.
Once this window is closed, the password is irretrievable. If you forget the password or misplace where you saved it, you will have to revoke the App-Specific Password and go through the process again.
Search for messages that have the word "travel" or the word Portugal
Search for messages that have the words "travel" and "Portugal"
Search for messages that have the words "travel" and "Portugal", or is from suzieq@indev.ca or are in the account GM_W99
Search for messages that have the words "travel" and "Portugal", or is from suzieq@indev.ca and are in the account GM_W99
Search for messages that have the words "Mailmaven" and "test" where From contains "@smallcubed.com", and From is not "support@smallcubed.com"